Here's where you choose what nWo animation you want.

Running with the pack

Description of the Animation

Rating 10-Best 1-Worst

The Giant choke slamming Goldberg

Gotta Love it! 10

Scott Hall choke slamming Booker T

If ya like Hall, 10 otheriwse 9

Macho dropping the elbow on DDP

I'm thinking about a 7 or 8

Giving Goldberg his first loss, Nash with a Powerbomb

I give it 10 10 10 10!!!

Nash Powerbombing some referee

If ya like Nash, 9 otherwise 7

Sting giving Giant a top rope Scorpion Deathdrop

Eh, nothing spectacular. 7

VINCENT BOMB! Nash powerbombing Vincent!

Tens across the board!

Jackknife Powerbomb on Hollywood Hogan

Cool but it's kinda slow 9

Kevin Nash Powerbomb on DDP

Great Powernbomb 10
